The SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting (CDM) 2016 was held on 27-29 July 2016 at the S31 Sukhumvit Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand with the participation of more than 90 delegates from 21 Centres/Network, the SEAMEO Secretariat, SEAMEO Affiliate Members, invited partners and observers from Cambodia, Indonesia and Lao PDR.The CDM serves as platform for discussion among SEAMEO Centres on operational issues and inter-centre collaborative projects as well as a venue for partners to network with SEAMEO Centres towards initiatives that will benefit the region. The result of every CDM will be submitted to subsequent relevant SEAMEO meetings such as the SEAMEO High Officials Meeting and SEAMEO Council Conference. Relevant agenda items and agreements will also be presented to the Governing Boards of the SEAMEO Centres at Governing Board Meetings,
which routinely convene immediately afterwards.At the CDM2016, SEAMEO CELLL presented a working paper on its proposal towards a lifelong learning agenda for SEAMEO countries, which is the Centre’s flagship project under technical and financial funding of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (based in Hamburg, Germany).