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SEAMEO CELLL takes part in Bali Inclusive Lifelong Learning Conference

On 3-6 July, UNESCO and the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia jointly organised the international conference Inclusive Lifelong Learning as a follow-up of the Marrakech Framework for Action, an outcome of the International Conference on Adult Learning and Education (CONFINTEA) VII held in Morocco in 2022.

The conference aimed to provide a platform for policy learning on inclusive lifelong learning and identify strategic directions to contextualize and implement the recommendations of the Marrakech Framework for Action (MFA) while promoting cooperation on adult education and lifelong learning issues.

Participating in the event were representatives from 38 countries of the world and international organisations, associations in the field of lifelong learning, including America, Italy, Spain, Southeast Asian countries, UNESCO Institute for lifelong learning, the International Labour Organisation, PMO Kartu Prakerja, and various universities.

Mr. Khau Huu Phuoc – Head of Research and Training Department (SEAMEO CELLL) speaks at the Lifelong Learning Workshop at BALI
Vietnamese Delegates attended The Conference in Bali – Indonesia

SEAMEO CELLL’s speaker of Plenary 3, Mr Khau Huu Phuoc reviewed the status of lifelong learning provision through a model that he synthesised from UNESCO Recommendations on Adult Learning and Education and the Marrakech Framework for Action. The presentation gave the audience a view of the general situation of lifelong learning provision in the country, and recommended key measures to address major challenges arising the absence of a legal status of adult learning and education in the country’s legislations.

The conference concluded with the Bali Manifesto, which called for the implementation of comprehensive lifelong learning policies, and the creation of inclusive learning spaces, curricula, learning pathways and learning materials. Following the Marrakech Framework for Action, it emphasised the importance of increased public investment in lifelong learning and reiterates key areas to translate the vision of lifelong learning accessibility for all into reality. Video recording of all the plenary sessions can be viewed at

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