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SEAMEO CELLL delegation was invited to the High-level Workshop on “Towards a lifelong learning policy in Lao PDR” organised by the Department of Non-formal Education, Ministry of Education and Sports, Lao PDR on 9 August 2017 in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.










Previously on 8/8/2017, SEAMEO CELLL also attended a preliminary discussion session which was organised at DVV International Office in preparation for the high-level workshop. The discussion, with the participation of key staff from the Ministry of Education and Sports, examined and clarified the concept of lifelong learning in Lao context.

On 9/8/2017, at the high-level workshop, Mr Le Huy Lam, Centre Director gave a presentation on the regional context of lifelong learning development and shared his experience in implementing LLL policy in Vietnam. The workshop emphasised the significance of establishing policy framework on LLL in Lao PDR and introduced the draft version of the Prime Minister Decree on LLL, after which constructive feedback and suggestions were put forward by the participants. The official Decree is expected to be submitted and put into implementation at the end of next year.

Attending this high-level workshop were high officials from the Department of Non-formal Education, the Ministry of Education and Sports, other ministries in Lao PDR, and relevant stakeholders from DVV International and UNESCO Bangkok.

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