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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as a global commitment, need to be used as a strategic and holistic development approach by regional, national, provincial, and local governmental level. In order to explore the strategic roles of non-formal education in supporting SDGs achievement, Indonesia National Community Learning Centre Communication Forum (FK PKBM Indonesia) in collaboration with International
Institute for Community Learning Centre and Education Development (InCLuDe) and West Sulawesi Province Government organized the “International Seminar On Strategic Roles of non-formal Education for Supporting Sustainable Development Goals Achievement”.

The seminar took place on 17 September, 2017 in the province of West Sulawesi, Indonesia. Along with more than 250 CLC managers, facilitators and users from all over Indonesia, the event also saw the participation of two resource persons: Mr Nattawut Tammakunmongkhon from SICED (Sirindhorn Institute for Continuing Education and Development – Thailand) and Mr Mai Hong Quan from SEAMEO CELLL.

In the presentations, the resource persons shared their countries’ experience and achievements of implementing non-formal education in improving human quality and supporting SDGs, thus highlighting its strategic roles in the development of the countries as well as the region of Southeast Asia.

Also on this opportunity, Mr Mai Hong Quan had the honour of being received by SEAMEO CELLL’s Governing Board Chairperson Dr Ella Yulaelawati Rumindasari at her office in the Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia. During the conversation, Mr Quan received the Chairperson’s official letter to encourage all SEAMEO member countries to organize the national policy forum on Lifelong learning, which is an important component of phase 2 of the project “Towards a Lifelong Learning Agenda in Southeast Asian countries”. Mr Quan also reported the Centre’s preparation for the upcoming Governing Board Meeting and the back-to-back Expert Meeting in October. The chairperson was very pleased with the Centre’s progress and hoped to see all staff members again in the said events.


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