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Kominkan Workshop 2014

SEAMEO Regional Centre for Lifelong Learning (SEAMEO CELLL) organised the international workshop “Kominkan – the successful Japanese model of CLCs and lessons to be learned” on 24-25 November, 2014, aiming at enhancing operational capacity of non-formal education institutions through the study of the effective model of community learning centres in Japan (Kominkan). The workshop also served to initiate future establishment of cooperation networks of regional organisations in the common field of lifelong learning and to strengthen existing ones.

Speakers at the workshop included experts in lifelong learning, namely Dr. Teuchi Akitoshi, University of Tsukuba Japan, who gave a detailed description of the Kominkan; Prof. Heribert Hinzen, DVV-International, who talked about successes and shared lessons of adult education centres in Germany; Dr. Filip Moens, Arteveldehogeschool (Belgium), who expounded on open and distance learning; Ms. Hồ Thị Thu Uyên, Corporate Affairs Manager, Intel Vietnam, who expanded on the successful Intel Easy Steps, a computer skill program for the community; Mr. Ounpheng Khammang, Deputy Director-General, Non-Formal Education Department, Lao PDR MOES; Mr. Nguyễn Công Hinh, Director-General, Continuing Education Department, VN MOET, who talked about development goals, and others.

Attending the workshop were more than 70 managers of CLCs, Vietnam Association for Learning Promotion from 20 provinces of Vietnam. A myriad of knowledge and experience was imparted to the participants, who will apply it to their organisation appropriately.

Besides the useful knowledge and the practical experience drawn from a successful model of community learning centres, the workshop participants also had the opportunity to interact and exchange in person with representatives from the University of Tsukuba, Intel Education, DVV-International, UNESCO, the project “Improvement of computer usage and public Internet access ability in Viet Nam” (Project BMGF-MIC) of the Ministry of Information and Communications, and SEAMEO CELLL to explore opportunities for future cooperation.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Nguyen Cong Hinh emphasised the role and contribution of community learning centres to social development and shared developmental goals by the Ministry of Education and Training for effective operation of community learning centres.

The presentation of Prof. Teuchi Akitoshi, University of Tsukuba, Japan, received much attention from the participants as he elaborated on how Kominkans constituted Japan’s miraculous success in the post-war era by developing human resources for the country, creating a breakthrough in labor productivity and the quality of life of people. The follow-up discussion was mainly centred around a comparison between the operation model of Vietnamese community learning centres and that of Kominkan in Japan and an analysis of the merits and drawbacks of community learning centres in Vietnam, which would then be used to make recommendations on effective measures to improve operation to the Ministry of Education and Training.

The workshop ended on November 25. Mr. Le Huy Lam, Director of SEAMEO CELLL, highlighted the results and extended his thanks to all the participants, especially the Ministry of Education and Training, DVV-International, the University of Tsukuba (Japan) and UNESCO for their supports of different kinds and collaboration with the centre to make the workshop a great success.

Click here to view more photos of the workshop

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