On October 24, SEAMEO CELLL Center held the 7th GBM Meeting. The meeting was attended by SEAMEO Representatives from 11 Southeast Asian Countries. The Seventh Executive Board Meeting of SEAMEO CELLL and The Roundtable on Building Learning Societies in Southeast Asia was convened in the meeting room, SEAMEO Regional Center for Lifelong Learning (SEAMEO CELLL) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. At the SEAMEO CELLL Executive Board meeting, there were 11 Members from 11 Southeast Asian Countries (GBM) including 6 members attending in person and members attending online.
During the meeting, SEAMEO CELLL reported on GBM’s follow-up activities and the Center’s activities in the last financial year 21/22, followed by a presentation of the budget and proposed programs for the year. finance 21/22. Working papers have been fully validated by GBMs. All exchange and work together.
Opening the meeting, Dr. Le Thi My Ha – Director of SEAMEO CELLL Center welcomed delegates from Southeast Asian countries (Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, ..) to Vietnam to attend the meeting. directly at the SEAMEO CELLL Center, with all the delegates participating in the online meeting.