The project Urban Agriculture Training for Community Learning Centre Educators and Special Education Teachers in Vietnam was a joint effort among SEAMEO BIOTROP, SEAMEO CELLL and SEAMEO SEN, in cooperation with Nong Lam University, HCMC Vietnam as a partner institution. This collaboration was initially proposed last year in 2017; to futher discuss directions for this collaboration, on 12 March 2018, SEAMEO CELLL, SEAMEO SEN Delegation, and Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thuy, Head, Office of International Cooperation from Nong Lam University held a telemeeting with Dr Jesus Fernandez, SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Deputy Director on preparation for the training. In the meeting, the four parties agreed on responsibilities each should shoulder in terms of the training’s agenda and relevant logistics arrangements. This training is tentatively organised on 24-28 September this year at Nong Lam University.