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“Within the scope of the regional project “Towards a Lifelong learning agenda in Southeast Asian countries”, from 26 to 29 April, SEAMEO CELLL Deputy Manager of Research & Training Mr Mai Hong Quan had a business trip to Yangon, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The main purpose of this monitoring trip is for the project coordinators and stakeholders to understand the situation of Myanmar’s national report and hence providing the national focal point necessary support.Mr Quan was warmly welcomed by SEAMEO CELLL’s Myanmar Governing Board member Dr Aye Aye Myint, the Myanmar’s project focal point Dr Khine Mye and the staff of Yangon University of Education. During the conversation, Dr Aye Aye Myint and Dr Khine Mye shared the difficulties encountered during their conducting the national report in phase 1 of the project. They also agreed to consider the possibility of Myanmar’s participation after Mr Quan had briefed them on phase 2 of the project.


In the trip, Mr Quan also had a chance to have a conversation with officers at UNESCO Myanmar. This aimed to seek for the office’s assistance in supporting the Myanmar’s project focal point as well as in organising the upcoming policy forum in Myanmar which is a major component of phase 2 of the project.

Last but not least, so as to widen SEAMEO CELLL’s network, Mr Quan also paid a visit to the Myanmar Literacy Resource Centre (MLRC) and SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition (SEAMEO CHAT). He was gladly received by the centres’ directors and staffs and these visits promised to open up new prospects for cooperation among the centres.

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